Join us in Madison on April 23rd to learn what is going in Madison and let Wisconsin legislators know your opinions. This an opportunity to provide input to decision-makers on critical issues affecting companies with commercial motor vehicle operations. Attend this event, learn the issues and then visit the Capitol to make your views known.
Those attending will be briefed on current legislative issues including:
- Tort Reform and Ending “Nuclear Verdicts” Against Trucking Companies
- CDL Tuition Grants
- Commerical Motor Vehicle ‘Registered Weight’ Redefinition
- Transportation Funding in the 2025-26 State Budget
- General Business Issues in Wisconsin
- Workers Compensation
- Other issues affecting commercial motor vehicle operations

Hotel for Briefings & Speakers
The Madison Concourse Hotel
Private Dining Room in back of CIRC Restaurant
1 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53703

10:30am – Registration and Coffee
10:45am – WMCA Briefings & Invited Speakers
12:00pm – Lunch
1:00pm – Capitol Visits
3:00pm – Debriefing and Wrap Up
$50 – Includes coffee break, lunch, and legislative materials

Includes Two Registrations

Includes One Registration

Kristina Boardman, Secretary – Wisconsin Department of Transportation
In September 2024, Governor Tony Evers appointed Kristina Boardman to serve as Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT). WisDOT is one of the largest state agencies, with more than 3,200 employees and a biennial budget of more than $8 billion.
The department supports all modes of transportation, including state highways, local roads, railroads, public transit systems, airports, and harbors. In addition, the department includes the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV), which serves about 50,000 customers each week, and the Division of State Patrol that enforces laws and assists motorists throughout the state.
Kristina’s public service career began with the Wisconsin State Assembly in 1995. She transitioned to WisDOT in 2005 and held previous positions including Deputy Secretary, DMV Administrator, DMV Deputy Administrator, and the Director of DMV Field Services.
Kristina enjoys both policy and operations work and especially appreciates the rewarding work of serving the public through the implementation of new programs.
Kristina plays an active role at the regional and national levels and served as Chair of the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) International Board of Directors for the 2022-23 federal fiscal year.
Kristina has a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois. Kristina and her husband live in Sun Prairie and have two adult children.