Join us in Nekoosa at Lake Arrowhead Golf Course for our annual golf outing in July. It’s always an enjoyable time on the links, regardless of skill level. Great prizes to be won at each hole challenge, along with food, drinks & camaraderie with fellow duffers.
8:30AM – Registration Opens
Practice balls available
10:00AM – Shot gun start
Boxed lunch provided
3:30PM – Reception
Dinner, raffles and prizes awarded
1195 Apache Lane, Nekoosa, WI 54457
Pines Course
(715) 325-2929
$650 – Team of 4 Registration
Registration includes: golf fees, golf cart, range balls, mulligans (1 per golfer), golf cannon (1 per golfer), lunch, dinner reception and prizes.
$175 – Individual Registration
Registration includes: golf fees, golf cart, mulligan, golf cannon, lunch, dinner reception and prizes.
$15 Only Lunch
$40 Only Dinner
$1,000 – Eagle Sponsor
Receives complimentary golf (with mulligans & golf cannon), lunch & dinner for (4) and hole sponsorship at golf outing.
$750 – Birdie Sponsor
Receives complimentary golf (with mulligans and golf cannon), lunch & dinner for (2).
$500 – Par Sponsor
Receives complimentary golf (with mulligan and golf cannon), lunch & dinner for (1).
$300 – Hole Sponsor
Receives company signage at a designated hole with the opportunity to set up on the course, meet with golfers and hand out promotional items/information.
*If a hole sponsor wants a golf cart for the day you must call the course directly to arrange it yourself at (715) 325-2929*

Eagle Sponsors

Birdie Sponsors

Par Sponsors

Hole Sponsors