11:00 am – Webinar Begins
12:00 pm – Questions
1:00 pm – Webinar Ends
Presented By
Jill Lange
Benefits Consultant | Cottingham & Butler Employee Benefits Services
Jill Lange is an Accountant Executive in the Employee Benefits Consulting Practice at Cottingham & Butler and has been with the organization for over 5 years. Currently, Jill leads her experienced team on providing solutions for employers in the areas of cost-containment strategies, creating HR efficiencies, compliance needs, and alternate funding methods specific to the transportation industry.
Course Overview
For the past 15 years, Cottingham & Butler has collected data from motor carriers coast to coast through the Trucking Benchmark Survey and remains an important tool for transportation groups. Recruiting and retaining quality drivers is essential to keep your business successful. Benefits and compensation are generally both among the top five reasons that drivers may choose and stay with a motor carrier. Knowing how you compare against your peers can provide valuable insights on how to best position your programs while being cost conscious.
Included in our 2023 Trucking Benchmark Report are insight into driver compensation, bonus structure, and non-driver compensation. The report also includes a detailed review of the company paid and voluntary benefit packages offered.